The journey to wholeness, empowerment and authenticity is not always easy. It requires courage, commitment and trust. Though the path might not always be clearly visible, I know the answers are already deep within you.

I passionately believe that there is nothing more thrilling and exciting than uncovering who you truly are, to live authentically and create a life of freedom and joy. Like any hero’s journey, this is not for the faint of heart as it requires the courage to look deep within, to enter the forest at the darkest point, to face your shadow and to create yourself anew.

I offer a whole person approach to personal and spiritual development, drawing on my experience as a doctor, therapist, mentor and coach, addressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Healing on all levels is necessary for a truly exceptional life.

Are you ready to transform your life?

If this speaks to you, what are you waiting for? If not now, then when?

Get in touch and let’s have a chat about what is possible.

What Maritta can offer YOU

Free one-hour coaching session

If you want to experience first-hand what coaching can offer you, please go ahead and book your free coaching session. I am looking forward to being of service to you.

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Developed by Marisa Peer, RTT is a deep dive into the subconscious mind to identify and remove root causes for a variety of issues, including physical, emotional and mental issues.  What might take months and years in a traditional therapy setting can be transformed in just 1-3 sessions.
Examples: Anxiety, low mood, depression, phobias, PTSD

6-week Coaching Program

This program includes one RTT session and 3 coaching sessions over a 6-week period.  This approach allows a deeper integration of the work done in the RTT session.  It allows us to speak about how the mind works and to explore a range of tools giving you the confidence to manage upcoming challenges.

6-12 Months Transformational Coaching

If you are ready to elevate your life on all levels, then this approach is for you.  These levels comprise of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is a truly holistic approach to health and well-being, working with the conscious, subconscious and superconscious levels of your mind.
Included here are a variety of approaches from RTT sessions, coaching and mentoring to teaching. We will identify your priorities, look at the fundamentals and then work together to achieve your goals.

Your potential is unknowable – are you ready to step into it?

Get in touch with me to book your free coaching session or enquire about working with me using the form at the bottom of this page.

About Maritta

I love reading biographies.

It’s fascinating to me to see how people got to where they are, to see the steps they took, the development they went through. The most interesting biographies are the ones that are honest and authentic, which speak of struggle and failures as well as success and accomplishments, allowing us to see the person behind the persona.

My own life has of course had its ups and downs.

Born in Germany I grew up in a little village, before moving to a larger town following the divorce of my parents. I have always been interested in people and what drives us to do what we do.

At the time I thought the best way to learn more about people was to become a doctor. I went to medical school and after graduating as a doctor moved to England to begin my training to become a GP. I also took some time out to study psychology and philosophy at the University of Canterbury.

Having moved to Scotland I worked for many years as a GP partner, at the same time training to become a hypno-psychotherapist, seeing clients privately.

This culminated in training with Marisa Peer as a Rapid Transformational Therapist, an approach bringing about rapid personal transformation in only one or two deep dive sessions.

In addition to this I trained as a shamanic practitioner and as a coach in my ongoing quest for healing and wholeness. I have struggled for a long time with these contradicting approaches. Medicine, hypnosis, psychotherapy, shamanic practice, and energy work didn’t seem to go together. In truth they are all simply aspects of life, looked at through different lenses, different beliefs, different paradigms.

The call to grow, become authentic and step fully into my own power as a woman has grown louder as the years have gone by. Working for many years in a male dominated culture came with a cost. It came with a fear to speak my truth, to keep quiet when I should have spoken out, to adapt to what I thought was needed to be successful.

The journey to wholeness, empowerment and authenticity is not always easy. It requires courage, commitment and trust.

Though the path might not always be clearly visible, I know the answers are deep within me and you.

I passionately believe that there is nothing more thrilling and exciting than uncovering who you truly are, to live authentically and create a life of freedom and joy. Like any hero’s journey, this is not for the faint of heart as it requires the courage to look deep within, to enter the forest at the darkest point, to face your shadow, to create yourself anew.

I offer a whole person approach to personal and spiritual development, drawing on my experience as a doctor, therapist, mentor and coach, addressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Healing on all levels is necessary for a truly exceptional life.

If this speaks to you, what are you waiting for? If not now, when then? Get in touch and let’s have a chat about what is possible.


Doctor’s Choice – A Hard-Working Doctor’s Guide to Creating a Life of Freedom

Doctor’s Choice helps overwhelmed doctors discover the crucial steps they need to take to get clarity and find balance. Often, doctors’ relationships and health suffer due to excessive work-related stress and demands―sometimes even driving them to quit their practice. Is it even possible to be a doctor and also live a happy, stress-free life?

I had been working as a doctor for over 20 years before the intensity and stress of modern medical practice inspired me to take a long, hard look at where the road I was on would lead. I realized the final destination for me would be one of burn-out and resentment, causing me to make different choices for my life and career.

I am passionate about enabling people to create a life they can be in love with, a life that reflects their most important ideas and values. Doctor’s Choice explores in a no-nonsense manner the issues affecting today’s doctors in a world of ever-increasing patient demand. Balancing the need to look after patients and themselves is a challenge which doctors need to meet for the benefit of all. 

New Book Release

Womanhood – Reclaiming the Power of the Sacred Feminine

Have you stopped believing that it’s possible as a woman to live and empowered and powerful life?

Do you feel frustrated with your current circumstances and relationships?

Do you feel like giving up and just settle for what you have?

Discover the truth of what is holding you back and crucial steps you need to take to empower yourself and get the answers to these questions and more…

The deep-rooted cultural beliefs that women are either helpless or evil

The fact that you are more powerful than you can imagine

Why stepping into your power is easier than you might think

How to use the power of your mind and emotions to create more joy, happiness and connection

Why connecting to your Divine Self will open new possibilities and dimensions

Explore the many facets of your being, many of which you might not be aware of. This book will allow you to see yourself more holistically, teach you the tools to overcome obstacles and more importantly, see yourself through the eyes of love, compassion and forgiveness. It will not only throw a light on who you are but who you are becoming.


Click here for the Questionnaire

Click here for the Breathing Exercise

Click here for the Reclaiming your Power Exercise


Womanhood – Reclaiming the Power of the Sacred Feminine

Contact Maritta

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